His Holiness greets the children waiting at the airport.
Photographer: James Gritz. Copyright 2008 by Karmapa Foundation.

Children waiting for Karmapa to arrive. Photographer:
James Gritz. Copyright 2008 by Karmapa Foundation.

A young boy eagerly anticipates the Karmapa's arrival.
Photographer: James Gritz. Copyright 2008 by Karmapa Foundation.
I was one of the seven children at the welcoming ceremony at the airport this morning. It was very hard to wake up at first but I knew that ahead of me lay a great event. We got to the airport at approximately 4 a.m. We waited for a long time for his plane to arrive. At last it did and he came into the room we were in. It was amazing to finally see him on American soil. I had wanted to go to India with my mom when she went to meet him a few years ago, and now I was getting my chance and without having to travel to India. The children stepped forward first and we presented our gifts to His Holiness. As I approached him, I said a greeting, gave him my gifts and in return he shook my hand and thanked me in English! He then left the room and we left to go back home. In all, it was a great event. Aiden Busby-Mott
Aiden, what a wonderful experience! So happy that you were able to meet His Holiness Karmapa and welcome him to America. Thank you so much for sharing that story with us.
That last photo is amazing! That is what teaching is all about, in my mind.
I was with a group of parents and children from the Ronald McDonald House to have an audience with His Holiness last evening. I wish to thank His Holiness for his compassionate response and blessing of the children and families. His love was felt by us all. Let the healing begin.
Most gratefully,
Divya Jyoti and the families at the Ronald McDonald House NYC
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